Ushna Rehan
The freedom of setting up a career
3 min readMar 4, 2020


With a smile on his face and a spark in his hands, Martin tiptoed steadily to reach out for his box of paintbrushes, which he had received for his eleventh birthday. With his eyes closed tightly and a picture of his late grandfather in his head, he dipped his brush into the bottle of yellow ochre paint and lifted it to paint a portrait.

But before he could even draw a single line, his hand felt lightened, his smile faded, as the brush was now not in his hands, but his mother’s, who looked at him with a fierce face and directed him towards his desk, covered with some textbooks labeled 'Biology’.

Still today, thousands of students like Martin see their dreams being shattered and then reshaped by those dreams which they never dreamt of and did not want to. They are either told that their passion has no scope in the future, or they are threatened with being refrained from love, compassion, and attention. All of this is told to them by none other than their own beloved parents or guardians.
Every child, whether born with an intellectual mind or not, is born with a talent(s). Talents are never hidden. As the child grows, he uses his talent and then clarifies it to generate new skills, which shape his passion in life.

When we try to force on him, something which we like and he doesn’t creates hatred. Not only it creates hatred in him for his own elders and family who forced him, but it also creates hatred for every other person related to that field or subject. This then either creates anxiety or depression in the young soul. He then starts blaming everyone for this.

We need to understand the fact that the thing 'scope' is not in a particular subject or career, but the scope of a field depends upon how the person carries or pursues it. Sometimes, even experienced speakers of English or certified practitioners are found jobless because of some reason. On the other hand, a person who never went to school but is immensely skilled in crafting will always have a happy and contented soul.

I always find it funny when people who find Arts and Commerce a degrading field are always the first to watch and compliment dozens of series on Netflix or Youtube etc.!

How can you even criticize a subject when you have zero knowledge about its basics? Instead of criticizing, one should ask the child about his career plans and do a little research about it so that you can look up its connection with the child’s talent and skills. Also, one must always try to help and support him throughout until and unless he achieves his goal.

We should emphasize this point that it’s more relevant for a person to be passionate and serious about his future career, not his future job. The world is a small place, and life is temporary. In order to live his life to the fullest, one must be free, i.e., free to learn, choose and play..and it all starts with setting up a relevant career goal.

